Wednesday, June 10, 2020

breadth and width

the with and breath, is immeasurable. You have both. Your breath is your embodied life force. Your with, is your heart and soul and purpose of being human. In the wide spread of the BREADTH of you, you are being told to be aware of it's power and force. YOUR words, songs and prayers, are your and yours alone, to influence us here/hear. We hear YOU. The children hear you, the garden hears you, the pups, and kitties, and calves hear you, the winds carries your words with/width your breath/breadth. If you do not have something nice to say, say nothing at all. We need all the hopeful and helpful breadth and width of your breath and with. LOOK in the mirror. Do you love what you see? Talk to YOU until you do! Before you talk to us fall in love with your breath and with. Yelling is for emergencies only. Swearing is for oaths, and give strength to the breath you express in words. Use this knowledge very carefully. We are fragile here/hear, not like crystal, but more like a BOMB. Earth and her family need only loving attention now. SOOOO for her BREADTH and WIDTH I will use mine to bless her and keep her and make my face shine upon her with peace every single day of my life. Please join the party. We need your love.

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