Thursday, June 11, 2020

Horse school

I went, and before it started, I got sent back. So I started by own - 50 years later. Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson, Wi</b> It begins the 25th of June. Kids that want to do their time with a horse should come. It will involve my life, which includes health and happiness and horses. It will include art and music and yoga and storytelling too. is our site, the way to sign up is to email us. thehawc@gmail will get you connected to us, our number is 715-426-7350 for emergency connections. 4 days - $200 per kid. Age 9-15 and BYO lunch. Simple stuff, for the animal lover. This is my favorite thing, and sharing it with kids, is a part of the dream. Dreaming about making the world a better place has always been ME. Thanks, Dr. Sioux/Su

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