Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Leaving your things unattended - they will be gone when you go to look again

We are being admonished to pay attention now. Sober up and go home and attend to your life. If you choose not to, it will be gone forever. I know that I have 25 animals because it reminds me to pay attention to the details of their lives which reminds me to take care of mine! I need to feed them, water them, play outside with them, give them hugs, and love them even if they make a mess. They are me! My kids are me! My home is me. My health and the body health rules, is mine and mine alone to attend to! The only way something is going to be well taken care of, is to take care of it myself. Last winter a young man was left here unattended by his father, he robbed me! He broke into my locked bedroom and rummaged around until he found what he thought he should steal and then stole it. He is now being chased and will soon be caught and pay a very high penalty because no one was paying attention to him! The ultimate cost is high, community is lost, and the end result is that what was wonderful once is now gone!!!! THE ONLY way is to attend to your own. Please go home, hug your kids, pet your dog, bring flowers to your partner and know that love and what it supports requires attention. Unattended to, lost and then gone, forever. Then there is no place to go and no one to go to. This is the only way now, please do not leave your things unattended.

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