Saturday, May 21, 2016


I am one of those. A communicator. I talk a lot. I do so at work and at play. Talking creates the reality I live in and I ALONE am accountable to those words. It is also yours too. What you say is what coats you, and creates the reality of your next steps as they splat against the bubble of your auric field. The egg of your aura which is yours to use and keep clean and light, is filled with YOUR words. Only if you let another's words in can you be influenced and as an adult that is YOUR choice. Kids are not given the choice until they come of age, meaning hormones must be kicked on and then consent becomes theirs. Until that time, YOU fill their field with your words! You can not NOT HAVE your own WORDS influence YOU all the time. Be careful what you wish for, curse at, believe and spout off about, because it becomes you! And your bubble, the realty/reality is YOURS to live in and with. Create care fully and with the inspiration you love that propels you forward, and we will get through this really WELL.

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