Wednesday, May 4, 2016

As seen from above

I have the Hawk totem. It is the visionary and that is a wonderful gift that I use every day. I love to fly high in the sky, walk among the angels and talk to that Big Brother of ours, who is always watching, guarding and guiding us in human form. I know people hate to be watched. They think no one knows, and worse, no one cares about who they are and what they do here. That is simply not true. As seen from above, we as human beings are worthy. Those in ascended order, keep vigil. Those on Earth interested in conversing have an open invite to the hierarchy of heaven. Choose your ancestor, your guardian, your ascended master, even your savior. Talk it out with them as though they are at your table. This is for all who desire contact and connection and vision from above. I have dreamed the future, again and again I see EDEN restored. I live for that, and love to show how to partner with nature for that exact result. It is simple, and clear, it is sunny, warm and energizing. It is also SEEN FROM ABOVE, as worthwhile and appreciated and the next order of business on this little planet. Guarded, guided and gifted, all from above, time now for us all to look up knowing we are seen from above.

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