Sunday, October 3, 2010

what do you want to be when you grow up?

How many times were you asked that question? Now is the time to ask it to yourself.

Not just about your career choices, but your life choices. Partnerships, friendships, neighborships and self - ships. When I look at myself who do I see?

Have you gone to a doctor ever and seen an unhealthy person sitting there? Would you take their advice? Would you follow in their footsteps?

When I look at my yard, my home, my responses to things, what is there. What do I love about that stuff and what needs to go? What can I hang to to that I truly admire in myself and my world?

It's time now to choose. Intentionally. Let the next step and every single step there after be intended to be perfect for me.

I always say I want peace, so that's where I begin. If I have wronged you in any way, Please, forgive me. I forgive all of those who have hurt or wronged me too. With the dawn of the new age here, let us create a world filled with peace, the potential is there, available for everyone. I also choose love. It fuels creation on every level. I choose hope, cuz it's just fun and I also believe in the unseen as well as the seen, therefore I have and will continue to work with and through faith. My mom said I was too open minded, therefore susceptible to junk getting in there, well I have always had the faith to know, it would always sort itself out and be just fine.

So get cracking, write your own ticket now, it's time!! See you in the new light of the new day of the new age! Dr. Su

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