Wednesday, September 29, 2010

time to say good bye now

Inside you know it all, every truth, every reason for all that is here. Call it intuition, instinct, survival, higher self, whatever you want to call it. You remember hearing the still small voice of truth in many situations and maybe even ignoring it. Well, time is up now, you had your time to play the game and now we have come to the end. Those of you choosing the Light, the road to the new world of existence must also prepare to say good bye to those who choose to continue with the old way of being.

I never felt I fit in. I could couple up my friends and see who they fit with and where they fit, but I ALWAYS felt like the odd woman out. I know now that was true for me and many others, we have a unique way of being and doing what we do that keeps us moving in a different direction. That is my story and I'm sticking to it.
I always knew though no matter what everything would be fine and I would always love my life no matter how unique it was. That must have been good enough because I'm still here.

Entering into the 10-10-10 will launch us into a fresh start beyond our wildest dreams, so beautiful your imagination can't even conjure it up, but that reality must be chosen, it must be focused on, it must come forth from a place of love and potential. It belongs now in this time.

Don't look back, don't worry about anyone else. Focus on your future, love it into reality now, it's TIME. We'll be back on the 15th of Oct. with tales of Sedona, we offering a class on the 23rd to share our vision with a day of experiential learning, just us who are doing the work. Reserve your spot with us that day, call Janet for details, 715-426-7350. See ya on the other side.

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