Tuesday, April 30, 2024


One of the BEACONS a human has. A true sign of life, or laughter, or unity and balance. Welcoming. I believe that those smiles are mismanaged by an established entity. Your teeth are YOUR computer chips. Learning to take that seriously will impact every single aspect of your body's functions. Poison in mercury and flouride will destroy a child in one hit. When I was 10 my world was turned into a year of sleeplessness by one mercury amalgam filling in my tooth. Stressful for a child and anyone close to me. Then my health changed and I broke my bones. This caused the time out my needed to try to restore itself. Knowledge of that process came with time, so I call out now from a place of seeing and experiencing that loss of my smile. The joy of my girlish laughter and the health of that body was changed, I was robbed by an entity that knew that mercury would take my energy away. Learn how it works, kids and teeth, that growth process, healthy and organic and watched over by an honest mercury free practitioner. It will result in such a balance of health, life and that gorgeous smile! Welcome to the age of truth. I smile as I deliver that truth now. It has changed many, and hopefully many more! SMILE everyone, the world needs to see you!

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