Friday, April 26, 2024

I am a well care doctor

I am not a sick care, bloody stump, stitches kind of caregiver. I teach the wellness and wholeness techniques that saved my life nearly 40 years ago. At first symptoms I aligned with medical people because that was my work anyway. They simply made it worse. In two areas particularly. First I do not match with drug use, that was their method. Secondly, the bleak nature of my future and the long road to death they predicted was nonsense to me. I had so much fire, so much to live for, and I refused to give up what little time, money and hope I had left. Nature and her bounty came to the rescue, Source and my Guardian Angel Annie saw to it. I began to listen, learn and apply the things that made my heart sing, my eyes smile and my feet dance the jig. Next when I was well, I conitnued to share the story and the gift that healing had shared with me. ON THAT NOTE - YOU are worth it, all of you! Find the song, the laughter, the friendship, the gift is yours and the Universe is waiting for you to open it!

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