Wednesday, April 10, 2024

be lief/leaf

You are embodying beliefs. What do you believe? As children we are taught, as teenagers we are making choices about those lessons and beliefs taught. As an adult they should be formed and loved. If not, reconsidered. WHEN WE LOVE WHAT WE BELIEVE, WE CREATE. The opposite is FEAR, then we stop creation, leaving a whole/hole that needs new beliefs. Positive or negative, the belief is key. When a person believes they are loved, worthy, lovely, funny, talented, smart and more, they be leaf or be lief! Like the leaves on the tree of life, they grow and become a part of the growth and healing in the world in a beautiful and bountiful way. Decide what you want and leaf it out there. We need all the healthy and loving growth now. Allow, align and appreciate the beliefs that make your heart sing and soul strong!

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