Saturday, July 3, 2021

Yellow The sunshine of your life

The chakra that radiates yellow is the 3rd. It is the highest degree of childhood development. It is ego, pride, the shield, the filter, and the liver/gall bladder. When it is strong and working correctly the body is protected. It will make you puke if you step out of order. It will fill up and plug up and make your belly fat and bloated. It will impair your ability to digest and make absorbable, nutrition. WHAT nourishes you? The sun does, the food you consume, the company you keep and the words you love to speak and hear. Flushing it is an exercise in re-lease. Today re-lease to it's next highest level, all things that undo health, wealth, life and service to humanity. HEART is where all things process in a whirling dervish of fire and light. The spark that I am that I am, lives within, and I can use it to clear the path ahead by choice. Sit in heart space today, sunshine, light, water, music, children, animals, gardens what ever raises you to the next level of potential and allow the release of all that serves you no longer. Happy almost INDEPENDENCE DAY _ Yellow it is.

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