Friday, July 2, 2021


We carry with us our luggage. It can be valuable, it can be heavy, It can come in many pieces, it can be tattered, and waiting for it can make you very very late. I have luggage from lifetimes of living here. I review and release whenever I can those pieces no longer needed. Light for flight has always worked best for me. Even on a big trip I do not carry a big bag. Memories and responses, are in those bags of his or her story. Take a fire circle alone or with those you trust, and throw in the flames, those articles that are complete and no longer necessary. Sad, mad, sick, lonely, lost, misunderstood, addicted, jailed, the list is yours to shorten as the fire burns away the dross of losses. Our new age of earth has begun, take this chance to start a new age of you. I choose 27, or 28, or even 29. Those were fruitful years in this lifetime, and to feel that energy again, would be a de-light, a re-write and a magical transformation into light and life. YOU DECIDE who you want to be and where/wear what ever costume looks best, fits best and is worth taking in your luggage to your future here. I will too! Dr. Su/Sioux

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