Tuesday, July 6, 2021

DO NOT play in traffic

I lived in the city as a young adult. I grew up in the country. Traffic was busy, loud, and dangerous to me. I had a dog, and he was taught to never go into the street. We practiced over and over throwing his ball into the street and teaching him to sit at the curb and wait. He lived a long long very happy life. Then I had kids. I stayed metro, but moved to a cul-de-sac, traffic was not a big problem there. Yet soon after I intuitively knew that my family would be safer out of the traffic all together. We moved. I raised them in the country. They were safe, the dogs were safe, and I told them if ever they were threatened to bite hard, and scream loud. Both kids and dogs had permission to use the knowing of their intuition. Trafficing is big business, kids are Lured into traffic and scooped up by those who can use them for a variety of purposes. That is why I am teaching the IN TO IT GO class in July for teenage kids about to step off the curb. Learning to navigate safely is a key to survival on this planet, and I have done that with my intuition and guidance it brought me. It has protected me over and over again. Call it second sight, call it gut feeling, call it Guardian Angels, call what ever you will. IT IS TIME to teach our children well! I still want to play safely, and show them where safe is, and where not to go, and who not to tag along with. See you in the arena, my class and my horse teachers, will be looking forward to meeting you. Dr. Su/Sioux July 23, Hawk's Ridge Ranch 9-4, lunch included, $225 per student age 12-18. Email thehawc@gmail.com
to reserve your spot.

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