Saturday, July 17, 2021

Define TRUST

COUNT ON to do and say and complete what you said with NO if's, and's or but's. Who is that? What is that? Where is that? When is that? Yesterday Keli asked me before her client came for a healing treatment, about TRUST. Hooking up to higher light energy in meditation was an option, knowing you are much more than you were taught or told, and believing the value of trusting your own SELF is the result of that practice. 12 choices to connect with are there for us. I have taught this in a simple form for many years. She asked more complicated questions. I believe that is time for the human race to learn to TRUST using this technique for growth. Not the church, the government, the boss or the coach, trust YOUR SELF! In judging each choice as YOURS and yours alone and THEN applying to the collective you are connected to. I trust that I know when to use NO!!! It offers the knowledge you get when you apply the judging only to the self. IF it promotes light,,,love,,,laughter,,, it will get my attention and maybe even my trust. IF NOT, it is sent away from me and mine. STAND in the LIGHT and ask yourself, WHO ARE YOU? AND can you be trusted??????? TIME NOW for you to trust YOU, and then we will learn to trust one another.

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