Monday, July 6, 2020

Dentists oh my!!

I teach accountability. I work in the health field. I am a Naturopathic Physician with decades of experience. I show the natural way to recovery and immunity. I push hard, and the DENTISTS make the most work for us that is not recognized as wrong, YET. Their disregard of the biology of the teeth and jaw are what makes it so challenging. I see people mercury toxic, and the crazy that comes from that. Manic, bi-polar, auto-immune, schizophrenic, and the frequencies that destroy the harmony of a human and it's roller coaster life are a part of my work here. I teach detox, nourish, retreat, and lots of remedies. Also root canals and poor extractions are deadly and track to clots and cancer. I teach full disclosure. On 9-11-2001 my oral surgeon cleaned the waste from the sites of my wisdom teeth that had hurt my heart for 30 years. Today we go again. Our world bombards us with overload, and the empty spaces in our teeth are vulnerable. Get a 3-D MRI and let the health centered oral surgeon clean up the old waste that haunts your health and happiness. It is up to you to fight for your health. The IAOMT has accredited dentists who know your health starts with your teeth. Naturopathic Physicians can map out a plan for recovery. Just DO IT, and you will be so glad you did. We deserve healing as humans, not more cover up. Vulnerability caused by lack of knowledge- NOT AN OPTION any longer. Being told to fear the wrong offender is what has happened. LOOK LISTEN And LEARN! Time for no more bad dentists!

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