Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A simple truth...

Together we thrive, separate we do not. It like the raising of a barn. One person can never really get the job done, yet two or more do it quickly and well. Babies without their moms, fail. Children separated from their families act out, get sick and lose their natural ability to be who they came to be and start copying others. Partners with no partner to share, laugh and love with, live shorter lives unless they connect to something or someone. I connect to a herd of horses, a pack of dogs, and a land filled with butterflies, and birds. Nature has always sustained me, and God gave me that so I would not be separate. A simple truth, connection is key. Isolation the end. The winds that blow from the voices and songs and stories of humans keep our fire lit and burning brightly. COME ON BABY, light your fire!! It is yours to tend!!

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