Monday, February 11, 2019


WHO can and do you trust? I have an easier time with this as auras tell the truth of those looking to me with an offer of connection. I am steadfast with the knowing, and even if someone is full of lies, I will still give them a chance to step into the light. It is a good job. Healing comes quickly when deceit, self or that inflicted on others is ended. I see, and feel the desire of many wishing to get honest and come clean. It takes a lot of courage and responsibility to be true. Are you true to YOU? Are you true to me, and others you claim to care about. It is time for everyone to tell their truth. If you are sick or sad, or depressed or lonely, you are not being true to YOU. Fix it. Stop hiding, and stop whining about stuff. Tell those who need your apology that you will clean up your thoughts, your words, and your deeds. THEN true to your world and your word , DO IT! YOU must be clean and clear to be clean and clear, and we see you, dark or light, we see you.

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