Friday, February 8, 2019

Prescripted or inscripted??

Now that I reread the previous blog, I see.....pre-scriptions? No thanks, I have my own thoughts, words, and deeds to guide me. They are within, and I can access them whenever I need to, or want to. I met a person with 8 prescriptions. That was a lot of being bossed around by someone else. I said, HOW ABOUT I TEACH YOU A NEW YOU? Life changed, knowing became the reality, and choosing the best option for an adult. You all deserve to know, and not be told. Show me, don't tell me. Listen to me, and hear my choices. If I ask, please answer, if I do not, be still and know that I AM OK. PRE - Scripted?? NO way, not now, not ever. I am an original and so are you.

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