Thursday, January 26, 2017

The vax to do or not to do?

I have seen the result of nature and divine design. I understand it to be the top of the chart here in this world. I have yet to find a science, a chemistry, that over rides it. I see people everyday who have surrendered their biology to science, and it's experiments. Some people love that. I honor their passion. If you want to be an experiment, then you are free to. I simply know that if the hairs goes up on my neck, and someone is allowed to cause me pain, that I in the wrong place with the wrong people. PERIOD. Kids know, they scream and hide and resist. Animals know, they bark and bite and run away. How come we are so numb? Humans told and then sold shots and drugs, even when they are uncomfortable and maybe even fearful should be offered an option. Listen to your intuition. Use your body as a sensory device, it is divine in it's ability to tell you what is good, right, nourishing and supportive. If you need some help, then ask for it. We are that option. I stand with NATURE, she knows what she is doing, ask her and listen to your heart. SHE is a worthy mother!

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