Sunday, January 29, 2017

Know what you know and don't worry about anyone else's knowing

Creator know us. All of us. Well. So why aren't we well? Some where along the way we got fooled. We got off track a bit. Some of what was told and sold was toxic. Super toxic. Brain and body were effected. Light and nourishment and hydration and love and compassion were withheld. I don't have time or the energy to count the ways. I am glad it is over now. Thirty years ago, the harmonic convergance gave humanity a vote in our future here. We voted and we are taking it to a new level of reality. The times, they are a changin' and I for ONE am eternally grateful. See you in the New Earth. Get out there and play now, it is time to celebrate our efforts, our Creator has spoken and I listened. I voted when it counted and this is the magic I voted for. I believe in US. I hope you do too.

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