Saturday, January 21, 2017

Delivering that bundle!

We do that, from time to time. We deliver a bundle to our life. Some of those bundles are ready now to be opened here. A life that has all that it needs to flourish comes in your bundle. Some had lost their bundle, some had it stolen, some were even fooled to think they got here without one. I see bundles in your field, left unopened and waiting for the moment it springs into life with you and your choice to have it and use it. If you could imagine a bundle that contained the elements you need now to open doors to a future of life fulfilled and love everlasting, would you open quickly or think about it for awhile? Some hesitate to succeed. Some wish someone else would do it. Some never get the courage, or the encouragement to open theirs. Today, on the New Earth, I encourage you to consider your bundle. If you are done waiting, rip 'er open! Let the air on it, the light show it's magic and feel the energy of potential that will come from it. I am ready now, are you? Thank you, White Buffalo Calf Woman for long ago showing up with THE bundle that we somehow forgot about and now know we have a right to have, and use on our Earth. It is OURS and we are grateful. AHO!

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