Friday, May 20, 2011

The Fear of NOT donating

I keep hearing that your donations are needed to save the world. Save yourself from a myriad of diseases, save the children from hell or starvation or both, save the afflicted from further affliction. DONATE, DONATE, DONATE.

We are not here to save anyone but ourselves. It is arrogant to think that the lessons chosen by those who are afflicted are our responsibility. Jesus saves, I don't. I have said that over and over. The cross is a metaphor for humans to see that they too exist on the cross of heaven and earth. The Medicine Wheel has one too. You exist at that intersection, it is your heart that is in that place.

Before he demonstrated the drama of the human experience of death by showing the cross was the illusion and ultimately it meant NOTHING, he said to his pals with his wife by his side and his mom close by, remember me, because we are one in the same, we are all the ONE. Unify with the memory of this meeting, every time you eat and drink - remember this. It was called communion. It is simple and effective and free!

There is a forgetfulness that scares us to DONATE. We forget how important we are and how loved we are as well. There is a fear that is used against us, fear of death or suffering or failure. The Creator has never seen it like that. We are worthy of resurrection, but you must choose it for yourself. No one here can donate enough to raise you up, you must do it for yourself.

The children live by the lights of their parents so there is that obligation too and also to Nature herself. We are the Chosen Ones, all of us. No one group has more clout, Black, Red, White or Yellow and the Rainbow People being born now are all Loved!!

Make your own donation to your own recovery. Clean up your world, your body, your mind and your mouth. Speak truth and kind words of encouragement. Take the time to fix yourself, you are worth it. No one else is here to save you or cure you, if they say they can or will, they are lying to you.

It is up to YOU! You can do it. We honour you in every way. Dr. Su

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