Thursday, July 1, 2010

The human body

Simply intricate and intricately simple.

We all know that stress is the number one problem, it is the pushing and pulling of and on one's beliefs. Money, relationships, career, hobbies, sex, religion, and the list goes on and on. I have learned much about stress in this lifetime from the death of my father when I was 2, to the death of my marriage when I was 50. Lifestyles die, friendships die, hobbies and habits die, all bringing and relieving stress. Often times those changes bring about diseases, mental and physical. Then that simply intricate and intricately simple body of yours sits you down and teaches you some much needed lessons. Earth lessons for earth people. I love Louise Hay's books that describe the stresses of individual diseases, I love that Dr. Bach remembered which part of the body specifically manifested stresses and in what capacity. I love that science is only one third of my make up and my reality in this world.

So just for fun and health, let's get simple. Clean it up, clean it out, clear it from your day and your life, anything that stresses you, anyone who stresses you, any food or drink or smoke or other substance that stresses you, take a break now. Media, mess, opinions of how you should be or what you should do, take a break, say simply,

" I am doing the very best with what I have and who I am and that is perfect and perfect is good enough!!!".

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