Friday, August 30, 2024


As a child my Grandparents took us on VISITS. Sunday was the day of visiting. We no longer do that, as the airwaves are our connections now. You and me see on the airwaves one another and there is the visit. This weekend, visit in person. Some place or person long not scene/seen. Get front and center. Humans are connected, and the visit cements the structure of those connections. I teach wellness, and the visit to the ranch, has always been the greatest gift I get and give to others. We are all connected, and those visits keep it real.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

watching over you - WHO?

Behaving as if you matter. The matter in all things is Sourced from light. In the beginning, the word became matter, and those words to this world... matter. Your ears here/hear. Decide which sounds you will absorb, for they be-come you be-coming you. As a watched human being, I ask the observers to show me in pictures I can see, in sounds I can here/hear, and with WORDS I can understand and absorb to become, those questions each morning. Nature is my home so I hear when I awaken, NO SOUNDS. In the dark before the dawn, in nature, ALL IS SILENT. Then I play the flute for the ranch to hear/here, and we wake to the beauty of the day. Those who watch, SMILE and remind us that every day is a chance to MATTER!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


When a child is developing they form alliances. In the teaching I offer, we say that first you allow. Allowing the seeing, the feeling, the experience. Then you form an alliance with what or who you feel connnected with. When a child seeks protection they find strong alliances there. When they feel nourished they show up there hungry. When feel adventurous they seek and find adventurers. Check your alliances. Who do you align with, and are you proud of those relationships? I find good and light in almost all things. I just do. Do I align with all things, NO/KNOW. Know your balance, your harmony, your safe space and your joy! Then you add in appreciation so it grows as you do. That is how alliances are made, strong, true and long lasting. AND they are choices, learned along the road of life. FREE wILL is the gift of earth, align to that first as you are accountable for every single choice you make an alliance to.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The storms

Some come unexpectedly, others have a forewarning. Sand, wind, rain, hail, snow, all change the matrix of the realty you hold. Bringing in water, bringing tree pruning, bringing the rainbows. You decide. How will the storm be in your world. I love the OZONE that upgrades the air quality with that extra free electron, O2 becomes O3, looking for another negative charge to grab. The breaking waves at the beaches of your life also provide that ozone matrix. After the storm, take a breath of fresh air. Clear the lungs with a song, or an OM or a hard run. Your words come into our air freshened by the storm. Let them be kind, helpful, and in support of our changing world. They are a gift from the MOTHER, SO REMEMBER TO SAY - THANK YOU TOO!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

the lift

I dreamed I was on the chairlift between two people. We were nearly to the top and I fell forward, almost falling off. There was nothing to grab or hold on to without endangering them. Then I woke up! Our dreams tell us who, how, why, where and when. The mountains in our life are for us to climb as we work on the ascension process. The snow is the emotion in solid form covering the hill. The lift is the vehicle I chose to jettison me to the summit. The companions were flanking me as I rarely travel alone. I know we will make it, I know we will arrive at the top safely. It is a reminder, that even when it gets scarey, hold on for one more minute and you will be where you choose to be! Hope, wish and dream it into your life! It is a superpower and it is yours. LIFT YOUR SELF!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

the new crew

As we grow we seek our new crew, expanding our perception of community. Staying in childhood is stifling to the field, and the growth of the field is what we are invited to participate in. Think of a field in your life. Work, play, relationships, hobbies, etc. How do you promote growth in the field you have chosen? I have chosen wellness. I have expanded my perceptions over the years in every direction. Native culture a natural for me as it comes through my lineage. Learning tobacco, sage, cedar and sweatgrass, the sweatlodge and the peace pipe. Medicine in plants. Upgrading attitudes another growth part, I use animals for expansion as they bring me great energy, and joy beyond measure. Mostly however, I love to work with kids. The innocents is a huge part of what I love to support. Your crew is for you to find and grow together with. Look around, see where/wear you match. Feel the safety of understanding, and release of any mis-understanding. When it does not compute in my head, I ask for another to step in and demonstrate their natural ability, thereby expanding my field and bringing in crew. We are One, all connected, there is the New Crew for Su.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Test everything!

Is it hot or is it NOT/KNOT? Kinesiology can tell you your truth. Apply the energy in your own system to the question. TEST IT. If it adds strength and power, it can be yours to use. If it weakens your field, clouds your mind, scares you, you should simply walk away. I have no rules really, I live by the energy that is supportive. It changes, then I change too/two/to. WEATHER/WEATHER teaches the reasons. All days and systems have a place and a time to be. YOU are a system. Learn how to work the SYSTEM you have been given. Test everything, all the time. Teach the children to feel the field as the grow. When they crawl they naturally learn the navigation, when the stand and walk and run, their I's/eyes are the big system checking front line. Teach them to Test it! Is it for you, or is it for Dr. Su? Only you will know what to do - FOUR/FOUR YOU! Your heart is the four chambers you have within, test it, the heart knows!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


To choose the under-is to use your child's eyes/I's. In the eyes/I's of a child, innocent is the underlying truth. Puppies are great example of what that looks like. Eager to eat, play and sleep, yet willing to learn at the beckoning of their master. WHO IS THE MASTER IN YOUR UNDERSTANDING? Then we set about the mastering of THAT. Piano, horsemanship, finance, fitness, they were part of my childhood desire to become masterful at. I am working on it, and by sharing the journey others are working on that too/two. Understanding is the beginning. As I grow my standing is no longer under anything or anyone. NOW it is overlightening, and sharing the wealth of that light is the GIFT I bring. YOU all have many gifts and the more you share them, the larger the understanding becomes. There/their/they're is where the light flourishes. NOT under, a rock, a human, or a belief system. Air/error it out, in the light, understand it and share the gift. The innocents are watching and need us now.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Make yourself available

In the race we do not pay attention to much more than the conclusion. If we take into consideration the whole process, we can be available to help if needed. At the Medicine Wheel Fire Circle a gang member asked me what that looked like. I said get on YOUR KNEES. He did. I said then, through the eyes/I's you have see now through the eyes/I's of a child, only that tall. Scarey HUH? Look and make yourself available. Kindness is awareness, it brings compassion, understanding, and being of service to humanity. Those little ones, nature, kids, critters, and YOUR AVAIABLITY, make this thing better! Just do that.

Friday, August 16, 2024

In the wink of an eye

Careful or you will miss it. Mis - interpret Mis - align Mis - take. A visitor appeared here in the evening, uninvited. My dogs were wary and watchful. He said he had something to sell me. I listened for a moment and then asked him a question. I made NO/KNOW MIS - TAKE. He was cheating. When a human lies or cheats or steals, it shows. Even when they have practiced their performance. My dog Jack would not leave him alone, which was the cue for Su. I winked my eyes and saw who he was trying to hide. In meditation we say, STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. IT ONLY TAKES A WINK, and you will know - NO! So I said NO, now GO! Use that wink, thaat nick, that moment... AHA! You will be so glad you can.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Socially correct?

Polite? Or direct? Honest and brave? It takes a brave child to speak their truth, especially in polite company. I love the direct honest approach, no beating around the bush. Your aura shows it anyway so it is scene/seen. If the child is induced to hide their truth, cover the feelings they are getting, or hold their tongue, the will internalize that which is meant for the error/air. If you scream, cry, sing, laugh and be outward with feelings large and present, they will show up in the air/error and choices made from there are in the light. Kids on the spectrum have no self control, or so they say. They tend to be impolite, they disrespect some people and some things. It is simply time for expressing that which they feel and know is their truth. When allowed, then aligned with, you will learn to appreciate the great gift they offer. When they do not need to show disharmony any longer, they heal. The canary in the coal mine. Noisey in danger, fragile in form, sharing the magic of the gift. The elephant in the room is scene/seen, and discussed honestly. If it stinks, take it outside. THAT IS HOW IT IS aired/errored OUT!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How deep goes your well?

Words have meaning. Well to my reality means a multitude of meanings. My health is well. Deep and clean is my choice, fresh and animated in it's container. I am that container. In the wealth of my depths I employ a variety of factors. Happiness is the biggest part of my well. It must produce laughter, light and love, or I pitch it. I also employ nature. I employ music. I employ kids and critters. I employ accountability for my own. I did that with my children, my clients and more. I also employ honesty as it shows it's truth. How deep are your waters??? How clear is the view through?? Water is life and yours is yours to keep in the WELL! NAMASTE'

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

teeth are keys make your mouth safe you hold the keys know this now

In my work as a Naturopathic Physician there are many aspects. Teeth are the most neglected and used against you. You can do fitness for the body. You can eat healthy for the energy. You can pray and meditate for spiritual harmony. You can get therapy for emotional disturbances. WHo TAKES THE ROLE OF STRENGTHENING AND HEALING OUR TEETH? Dentists have the highest rates of mental illness, divorce and suicide. WHY? The world they live in at work is very toxic, and misunderstood, and sold it to us as it compromies them and their lives. Would they be your first choice? I have worked for 33 years with dentists who are doctors. Hal Huggins was a pioneer of dental awareness. The healing he offered in the understanding of oral health was paramount. Learn dental health, YOUR mouth is the most complicated organ in your body. MORE than your brain! It houses the teeth that are the chips in your computer controlled body. Words, your creation tool. Can you speak your truth clearly? YOU are the CREATOR's CHILD< if Source can start this world with a word, imagine what we can do.

Monday, August 12, 2024

SImple service

FOLLOW THE ROAD. Some choose the yellow brick road, some the red road, some the over the rainbow road. I choose the simple road. I ask for that which keeps me entertained yet I do not want it complicated. SIMPLE. Healing is simple if you let it be. Nature makes the road to wellness her gift to us. Water, sunshine, fresh air, beautiful sounds, and earth beneath our bare feet, like sand at the beach, or soil in the garden, or clay pulling the energy from the stuck places. The body has it's simple way of organizing itself. Happy is important, peaceful is important too. Genuine is really simple to self, yet complicated to present. Honesty is where we begin, the mirror is where we look. All things reflect YOU to YOU! In the eyes/I's of a child the vision is clear. WHEN and HOW you choose, start with simple. KIDS DO! And the fun begins.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

My relatives

Some are glad of the relations they have and make, others fear or dislike the differences. I have always found the differences to be one of my favorite things. WHO are you? What do you DO? Where can we go together on an adventure???? No matter what the Source in all things matters, we all matter. Matter of fact, we are extraordinary in that relative reality. Humans are special. Get out there and see who you are related to too two.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

You have chosen

SInce 1987 and the convergance of the light from the Photon Belt we have been choosing. Could I, should I, would I?? questions...Learning an option among many other options. Can you remember all those choices YOU chose? So now what? YOU have chosen along the way, only YOU. It is going to come to pass as you will. What will your will say to you today? In my meditation recitation each day I say as I pray. Oh Great Mystery, I will to/two/too will Thy WILL. As it is on earth. I have banked on the Greatest WILL OF ALL. THE I AM THAT I AM. Great Mystery to be here/hear now. I have chosen.

Friday, August 9, 2024


does it ever end? Drawing from light, from laughter, from love. Pools of energy for the use of humanity here. Which pool do you swim in? The life force pools in the body, energy coiled. The heart is the holder. As it flutters, beats, or even pounds, the energy is released. Put your heart into what ever you do, it will flourish with the flood of pooled energy you carry. I work with horses and kids, the energy of the heart of the horse released to the human in the field causes a flood of love, of healing, of release and relief for both. In documenting HEART MATH in the thesis of a British PHD candidate Beth, our ranch and her horses provided the proof. In the field, symetry was attained by both hearts within minutes of connection. Medicine comes in many forms, energy for me comes with the happiness and health of working with the horses. Oh, and humans too!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Friend or foe?

That is the space where dis-ease begins. Trust, safety, honesty are needed to build a child into an intuitive healthy human. Who are YOU? what do you need or want from me? Kids are to trust those who watch them, teach them, care for their needs. Is the person you are allowing near your child -FRIEND or FOE? My work has shown me abused children in adult bodies. The losses they endured under the abuse of a toxic adult are hard to hear, let alone recover from. Physical abuse is the easiest to see. Emotional abuse is harder, one must only watch the responses of the person around the innocents, like kids and animals and the earth, to see the angry spirit. Then the humans under age 18, sexually manipulated, those are the Gordian KNOTS! Secrets and disease go hand in hand. To stand in the light and tell the WHOLE Story, is to allow the truth and the healing that needs to be shown. Friend or foe, the church, the coach, the babysitter, the neighbor, the teacher, the _______ . Make sure you know who you are aligning with. THERE/their/they're are NO SECRETS! Under the Sun/Son of the SOURCE, all is seen, revealed and healed. It is a big deal. IT IS YOUR CHOICE.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

what lies beneath the mask/masked

A burglar, a physican, a human afraid of the world and the air/error of it. If that is what you believe that is what you receive. See the fresh, the sparkling, the washed air, it comes after the storm. The ions of the lightening make it ozonated by adding a free electron. That will bind to the negative ions that you want to let go of. ANti-oXIDANTION. YOUR WORDS ARE CARRIED BY YOUR BREATH. It is the air or the error of positive or negative. YOU choose. The mask/masked will all be seen now. It is the age of aquarius and the lightening is here. Step into the storm, we are waiting for you!

Monday, August 5, 2024

YOUR PRIDE the fire of the lion and the family they protect YOUR PriDe is your responsibility

I spent the day with my pride yesterday. My family is my greatest pride. I did many things because my family needed to know more than we knew before. Each generation gets a chance to broaden the perspective, promote the growth and share the love. I have that pride that makes me smile, makes me think, makes me get up, clean up, dress up and show up. They make me laugh! It has caused me to stand up and speak out about the things of my heart that healed my health, changed my view of this world, and the children here. THAT is all I need to do. How about YOU? What does your Pride need? Food, light, laughter, nature, support?????? Think up something you wanted when you were younger, and do THAT for them. AND be proud that you did. IT IS Time.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The raven and the wolf

Mystery creatures. Do you know what they can do? They walk in two worlds at the same time. Ancient wisdom, and it's secrets are theirs to share with the world we live in. They shape and shift this reality. In nature you will find you and your natural inclinations. Toad or butterfly, all beings in nature have a message. Listen early, it is silent. When the day starts as the sun ignites the songs of the birds, you can hear/here more. Pick a tune, an idea, every morning, and follow it through out the day. Nature will show up for you, where ever you are, because you chose to listen, to look and to see. Today the Raven and the Wolf are the teachers.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Life is circle

When someone asks you to take sides, it is always in regard to conflict. Life is a circle. An unraveling spiral going up and into the galaxy, Like the fiddlehead fern unwinding itself toward the sun, you too are unfolding. Wings pinned at birth, working their way to the surface. Feeling the pressure beneath your skin is the first sign they are ready to show. My wings were released back in the 90's under the cover of therapy, wear/where I was safe and protected. Painful for a moment and then released with relief. Soon able to navigate in a whole new way. YOU TOO have that option. The circle of life is a womb, the Mother here births humans in developing their potential. It is because of the MOTHER ENERGY within me that I wanted Nature to show me how. Eagle or Hawk, chicken or crane, time to wing it! The circle of life will support you as you ascend. AND the view from on high, well...come and see for yourself.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Who's truth is THE TRUTH?

It simply comes from the level of the viewer. When you are three years old, you see only knees. When you are six years old you see belly buttons. When you are twelve years old the throat and the teeth come into view. ONLY when you are fully grown can you see into another's eyes/I's. Life is ages, frequencies. Some of us can here/hear like a wolf. AND feel the ground under our feet like a HORSE. The drum of the hoof is constantly picking up vibration, promoting direction and pushing the agenda of survival. FIGHT or FLIGHT is the truth of the prey/pray being. WHO indeed? Live and let live, we are here to love, connect and support. THAT is the truth I like to be in contact with. AND I AM. YOU??

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Wear/where do kids feel safe????

Clothes. Their/they're/there clothes MATTER. All things matter to a child, not conditioned to tolerate disharmony nor uniformity. Seams bug some kids, fabric that is not organic, too tight, too long, the color and design all matter to a kid. As the fingerprint is one of a kind, the child seeks that same manifestation of spirit. The temperature of the day is part of the finding the safe place in clothes. TOO HOT or TOO COLD, disharmony rules, safety disappears and discomfort rules. Sometimes life can be simple. To a child the things close in are what and wear/where they need to feel safe. They will get to the outside soon enough. For now keep them comfortable, and ask them what matches their spirit. CLOTHES are almost as close as it gets.