Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Make it RAIN

Spring rain washes everything. The dogs came in and were wet. Then once dried, so soft and clean. NO SOAP needed. We forget the power of pure water. It shapeshifts. It will match what ever is vibrating in close proximity. YOU are water, flowing in around minerals lit up by electricity and caulked and lubricated to keep the flow in containment, the go and the flexibility needed for support. Earth, wind and fire, holding and moving water around, is the HUMAN body. Treat your body like the earth your mother. CLEAN, adored, cared for, organic, honored. Stay away from the overloads that are toxic, noises, voices, foods, air quality, blocked sunlight, shocks, and more. YOU are the ship, the sails and the rudder, they are under your control. THE world is wild right now, navigate your way through. Focus on the distane shore, the outcome is where you are focusing on. I will see you along the way. If we can help let us know. Namaste'

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