Saturday, September 23, 2023

When the POWER goes out

First you feel the disconnect. The silence is loud. The darkness pervasive. The ability to navigate impaired. Then you remember you are your ancestors child. You light a fire, get a lantern, and enjoy the opportunity, rare and filled with potential to become primal. I see this with DIS-EASE. Humans let the power go out, and fail to enjoy navigating their new opportunity. I love to learn, when I am in learning mode, I read, I write, and I hear/here. I talk to ANGELS> I believe in Divine Design, and I am willing to reconnect any time I want to. At which point I am able to POWER UP! Some call it spirituality, others call it vision quest. Either way, it offers the end of the old connections and a recharge from SOURCE, where light, love and laughter help and heal all that it touches. The season of FALL begins today use it well and RISE! Eat your apples and carrots and beets and clean your liver. Your power comes from within as to without, YOU are DIVINE DESIGN TOO>

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