Monday, September 18, 2023

The Brighter the LIGHT the easier to see/sea

In the dark people grope. In the grey light people have to pause and focus. In the bright light of love and laughter all is revealed. WHAT are you trying to see? For some it is health, others success, then some seek family and some adventure. All choices have great potential. They take you to the next grade and the enlightenment of that. I met Dan Kittredge the other day. The light of his new tool is for those who need some support in their choices. IF YOU could see what he sees and know what he knows as an organic farmer and father, you too, would be in the light. Learn that the world is worth looking closer at. When you know for sure what has value, and what is empty, you too, will be in the brighter light. Check out the technology that gives you that knowing. TIME for the world to see more.

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