Friday, September 29, 2023


Full Moon. Lightening strikes. Thunder Beings. Private information being exposed now. If you are hearing/hereing that which scares you, makes you angry, or just causes you to do more homework, you are receiving the LIGHTENING. Beings of light have walked with humans for a long time. Some are now making known data held under cover for eons. I met two Angels back in 1999 at a ceremony of fire held in Sedona, Arizona. They walked in to the space were working in and spoke to me directly. When the process was complete the leader said, "SUSAN it looks like you have something to share with the rest of us.". At first I felt like a child, as though I got caught with something. THEN I KNEW for sure I had caught a magic moment and yes, it was worth sharing with the rest of the group. You are all in that group now. Some will receive the news day or night, light or dark, with gald hearts. OTHERS NOT SO MUCH. That is the beauty of freewill! Let it lighten the load now!!

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