Monday, November 28, 2022

Riding the waves with balance

Coming in strong and with a rhythm that needs to be navigated. Humanity has fully entered the AQUARIAN age. Peace and freedom. How does that compute in your world. I believe in health freedom in all things, choices should be offered and condsidered before I make a choice. Know your physician personally, vet them fully. Know your pharmacist personally too, and speak to them each time you buy their goods. Full Disclosure should be mandatory on all aspects of my wellness process. Years ago I learned how lethal a mammography can be to a vulnerable patient from that hospital's administrator mouth. He told me the only reason they are still used is the money it generates. IT GAVE ME PAUSE, that was in the 1980's before I went back to school to study Naturopathy. That machine is still hurting women, when a thermography could safely tell the story of breast health. A colonic will offer the therapist tons of colon DATA, WHILE A COLONOSCOPY CAN PERMEATE THE GUT AND CREATE CANCER AND OTHER ISSUES. Drugs like Gabapentin should be banned for their side effects and the losses to the human trying to be human. THOSE are just three realities that I hear about every day and know we can do health better and safer. Learn to surf the waves, look it up, talk it over, and always get a second and even a third perspective. YOU deserve peace, and the freedom to choose the way you live and die.

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