Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Taking your power back...

when you did not even know it was gone. Trauma has changed the matrix of humanity for a very long time. History, and Her-story too leaving out much of what should continue to keep us heathy and safe and warm. You know more than you think you know. Your intuition was hammered down from childhood by a system not wanting you to speak out or up. Women, and other minority groups endured the same losses. It is time to take your voice and use it, out loud and proud. Speaking when you know you are feeling something out of the ordinary is how to start. Take a breath and move into the POWER OF LIGHT. Your light and the light from above together speaks volumes of exposure. Remember, there are no secrets. ALL IS seen/scene from above, you are guarded and guided. It comes intuitively first and then, it becomes very very clear. Fear is the opposite of love, love your world and the role you play in it. THAT is as powerful as it gets!!!! I see the EYE/I in the sky, and I share the picture with anyone needing to know they are in the focus of love.

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