Friday, November 11, 2022

When you KNOW you KNOW 11-11-11

I went to finish my mission at 11:11 on 11-11-2011. I open energy for the earth to use. I had just finished 4 years in the courts with the law, changing the matrix for my industry in Natural Medicine and the truth. NO MORE AMBUSH journalism will be allowed. Pat Tierney, my amazing attorney and I made that a reality. THEN I went on to my next commitment, and opened it up as I promised I would do. As the portal opened the energy swept upward, so did I> my daughters said, stay here MOM! So I have. This is how special humans are, they can ground and be in their family and in this world, or they can extend their wings and up they go! Today 11-11 says where are you headed? The world needs transformation, and the winged ones are here to help. We are grounded and in love with this world. Please help us! Namaste.

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