Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The water is the gold of earth

Minerals are the structure, light is the animation and charge, air fuels the fires that burn within the human heart, but WATER keeps the whole system afloat. YOU are a water being, a creature of great fluidity. In the e-motion of the human being the human, water is the element that changes the matrix. cleaning, sweeping, delivering the goods, light and crystal clear, or murky and heavy and full of junk. IT is the LIFE that water brings that gives you the chance to move around. TODAY as you ready for the chance to shine, drink deep. Before you swallow, bless it! What you bless, blesses you. Water is life, and with it we thrive. Concert for water, August 18 in Duluth! GET A TICKET, GO IF YOU CAN, DONATE if you can not attend. This is our world, and the water is the GOLD!

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