Monday, April 30, 2018

40 years per contract

A mortgage can run 30, or 15 years. A season is only 3 months. A lifetime is a lifetime, no matter how long it goes. A minute is gone in the wink or blink of an eye. Today I re-view 40 years of adult life. It was the first marriage I committed to, and it changed the way I lived forever. What a relief. Now it is changing again, a new way to live here. Free, easy, peaceful and 40 years older and wiser, and more of all of that, yet to come. Even if it didn't run the full length, it still is present and always will be in the muscle memory of my personal human record. I regret little, and love and learn from even the regrets. I hope we all learn to do the same soon. It will reveal in it's timing a peace and harmony that will rule the reality we have here in the light of truth and love, even lost, yet love none the same. Namaste 40 years, it was something to write/right about, And I just did!

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