Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Child - ish or Child - like ??

I am child - like. I have a child's joy, and curiosity. I have a child - like energy. When I get tired, I quit. I just stop, and let go. I am hopelessly hopeful, I see magic, and believe it to be very real. I see auras and can effect them with great skill. I know when I am spot on, and when enough is enough. I love colors and sounds, and vibrations. If I were childish no one could rely on me. I would not show up, on time, or at all. I would not let you know where I stand, or even where I am. I would not have enough to share, gladly. I would not feel enthusiasm, and that awesome can - do - ness. Decide which it will be. You can be innocent and childlike, and life will fill you up. You can be childish, and wait for a grown up to do your work for you. It is the planet of choice, freewill and light. And it comes from within. Stand in the light, and show us all who are, we need those willing to be here for the greater good, only adults now can do the job!

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