Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Where does humanity go from HERE/HEAR?

There are those five senses, sight and hearing, taste and touch, and the famous SMELL. The sixth sense is not really talked about much, although it is very real. The third eye, it has it's revelations, and it's projections is a long topic. The hearings are today's thoughts. What is here with YOU today? Who is HERE with you? Do you hear everything, or do you selectively hear here? It is a close field, hearing from far is challenging and to some impossible. Close in, a whisper can create a change. As a mom, I used the whisper when necessary. It drew my girls in close so that they could really hear me clearly. In your hearings today, allow the sounds and frequencies to penetrate your here and now. Align to the hearing of the beautiful sounds, and songs, and words. It makes our day, it changes our mood, and it can and will lift you up. Appreciate the ability to block certain hearing. Use your free will and the choices that it offers to here what you hear, in a GOOD and POWERFUL light. It needs us all the hear/here the positive. Our future depends on it! Humanity should hear this message! This is our here and now, and we decide what we hear.

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