Friday, December 22, 2017

temper? to moderate imbalance clearly!

When is it time to temper? When enough is enough. I have tempered along the way, only when it was the ultimate solution to the foolishness of humans. I tempered at KSTP, they changed and I did too. I tempered at the chemical version of medicine, it is changing too as I teach choices in wellness. I have not spent much time tempering at individuals, I know that is the last resort when imbalances do not stop. I do not like bullies, or sarcasm, or those who do that to make others feel less. I do not like to feel less, or loss, or lack, or neglected in any way ever. It before long requires the temper of a human who says NO, not now, not ever! Use your temper to moderate that which is pushing you off the beam. It has great value and impact when it is expressed loudly and clearly. It should be on point and it should end the foolishness without further discussion. Use your words, with nothing left unsaid. Be honest. Be loud and clear, and then, be done! It is a gift, the chakra of protection from further abuses sometimes needs to temper the lesses of life. It can be very effective, and silence a prolonged problem. If you see something out of balance, temper it. SPEAK UP, you are the chosen. It is time to say NO MORE!

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