Saturday, December 23, 2017

Again with fragile

Like crystal or a bomb???? Both are fragile, both should be handled with care. If someone is asleep, or unconscious, they cannot be trusted right now to handle fragile in any way, as they are even more fragile in their own right. Know the truth here. If you are sick, broke, sad, uprooted, or lost, you are fragile very fragile. Look at the whole package, is it sound? Is it strong, well constructed, and can it be handled without damage? Can it fall and still get up? It is time in the changing of the season, to the winter of our world, to heal the fragile. Eat, drink water, sleep, play, sing, laugh, dance, and find community that welcomes you! Speak of light, love and laugh a lot!!! Be kind. This too shall pass, and we will be glad we recognized it and helped every way we could. A season for healing has begun.

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