Sunday, December 3, 2017

EAT, please

When we skip our meals, our clock stops. Literally. The circadian rhythm of the body requires energy, food and light and good sleep are key. If we skip or choose something toxic or high sugar, like booze or cookies in a bag, or pop or poptarts, or processed stuff, we cause adrenaline and cortisol to surge. It makes us crabby and tired and fat and bloated and stupid too. Diabetes is one result, obesity another. Then there is depression and anxiety disorders too. I ordered an omelet yesterday at a diner and asked for REAL CHEESE. It came with processed junk and I foolishly ate it anyway. It hurt. It made me sick, and mad, and I knew it was my own fault, and of course that made it worse. Parents must help their kids learn to choose real, live, energizing food. I choose incredible foods for my critters and they are amazingly healthy and happy. Learn what works, eat according to your blood type. Eat BREAKFAST before 9 am or your clock stops for the rest of the day! Eat please, it really does work, it always has. Food is medicine! Health is YOUR choice! And it is important that we feel happy and calm, so we can do our best now, our world needs our help. SO, again I ask nicely, eat, please or stay home.

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