Sunday, October 8, 2017

NEVER too old to try something new

I believe that. I teach whole health, it comes to the seeker of the many looking for something rare and new in their life. I know, I was that person 30 years ago. I was a Physician Recruiter, and my days were filled with doctors. I got Interstitial Cystitis, an awful and incredibly painful and life altering disease. They , the medical doctors, made it worse, they took my time and a bunch of my money and said I was incurable. YET, they would happily drug me and continue to experiment on me until I expired, but not before they had me urinating in a bag for many years as my body gave in to the disease but was still alive and suffering and paying to be that way. I became that seeker! I found my way through the maze, out of the darkness and into the light. I am well, and have been since then. I teach health the way I learned it, and I am never to old to try something new, how about YOU?

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