Monday, December 29, 2014


I got scanned in the 80's. That scan with it's report and the knowledge of what needed work changed my health back to balance and vibrancy. I pursued that knowledge and become a scanner. I am a seer and becoming a scanner was an easy add on. My work involves helping health by scanning the body and all it's parts for data on imbalance. I work on the most out of balance things first. Toxic places inflamed or degrading by life style choices or beliefs need light, and love and yes, to be scanned for the details of healing required. Then I introduce remedies found in nature to help. I am a Naturopathic Doctor.  So for 2015, think about being scanned. It is simple, painless, quick and revealing. In this time of revelations, this is a great gift. I hope and have faith that this new year will bring much healing to our earth and her humans. Namaste and happy health and life to us all now. is our homepage hosting stories of healing that may inspire you! Join us for YOUR scan and let's all be well together.

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