Saturday, April 5, 2014

Are you OK???

I never ask that. I say how can I help you? If you have an answer for that, we can move forward. If you hem and haw, or don't have a real answer, you are dismissed. Playing the game of I am fine, when you are not, does not promote you. It actually sucks the life from you, as the data stays floating around on the inside, until the negative swirl pulls you down. I have been blunt and direct all the days of this lifetime, I am a double Sagittarius, with the arrow pointed straight to the heart of the matter both under the sun and under the moon. That does not leave one minute to anything not spot on and illuminated. My rising sign is Libra, the scales, the balancer. A PERFEFCT EXPRESSION OF MY TRUTH AND MY GIANT JUPITER ENERGY! Know who and how you are, and if someone asks, answer or move on. You are your own savior, Jesus taught that.

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