Thursday, June 28, 2012

Promises to keep

As I look back at the promises of my life I know now that I have made many and kept the ones I could in good faith. I have been sensitive to those who needed that and direct with those who needed that. I have needed both myself. I respond to the sensitive people better than I do the direct ones and that gives me a chance to see myself in others in a new and better way for me. I want to know the whole truth every single time and that is the direct part of communication I appreciate, I want it said in a way that leaves no marks or damage, that is the challenge here. The media damages people with it's words from time to time and so do the doctors that say you're terminal or offer other scarey predictions. We all know this is terminal, what good things can I focus on in the mean time?? Look at your promises, your words and their delivery, be clear and direct, and be sensitive so that no damage is done in that delivery. Promises are acts of faith and hope, I love that and those that I could I kept, the ones I was bullied into making are over now and that is good too. Take a look and clean it up, remember we are all terminal here and getting this accomplished will make the rest of your time here remarkable. Then promise to yourself all that you desire and receive that promise as the gift it is!! Namaste' Dr. Su

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