Saturday, June 30, 2012

pretenders beware

With the light and energy released on our planet last week pretenders will be revealed. No longer able to cloak their intentions or their true personalites. You will see in the light of the higher frequencies the real and true colors of everyone here now. I have been a seer a long time and I have seen a lot of stuff, with that gift I can inspire and educate in a way that is person specific. I can see what is the most compatable fit and the road of least resistance. I use that to help people with their health issues, although I could use it as a recruiter finding the right person for the right job, or as a realtor, finding the right property for each one. It does not really matter how I use my gift as long as I use it for my highest good and the highest good of all. The value is in that alone. Many now will also see the truth too. Be happy now with that, use this time to clean out the darkness and the pain and conflict hidden within, that time is over now, complete exposure will light the road to self and home. Welcome to the age of Aquarius!!


I met an old friend who said the promise he made to love and cherish was being tested. The days of living with a stranger were more frequent now and attending to himself during that time was the key. Saying I love you but this behavior I do not know or understand, and your misery is not my fault nor is it my responsibility, yet I made a promise to you long ago and that I will honor, that is my responsibility. WOW, I am impressed and inspired by that. He is attending to his own needs by being honorable and respectful and true to his nature despite the temptation to holler or run. I have made and kept many promises, I have also broken some that I felt I could not handle. Those are the choices of our life and we must live with them. I do. The promises made to me are not what I need to focus on, that person must focus on their own words and the choices they get every single time they speak. My promises, my responsibility. Yours are yours. That is the core of our reality here, our words spoken and lived by. They are the energy of our aura, our health and emotions and what we create, that is the whole science behind the oath. A spoken commitment by two who make it real and solid and put it in the air for all the see. A contract. What causes the oath to break??? The choice of freewill. That is the human gift here and the work that we are doing. Check in with your promises now and see how well you are doing. Review your contracts and make the necessary adjustments and the honor and respect you give is what you will receive. Namaste' Dr. Su

Friday, June 29, 2012

calculating the sum total of self

I see auras and they are fascinating, swirling colored energy and shapes surrounding each person as they calculate their choices and make their way in this world. It is something of a gift and I use it to help people with their health issues. I thank God for it every day, it also gives me the ability to always see the spark in someone even if their aura is dark or conflicted. That has challenged me in many ways. I believe all is well and improving and that nothing will go by the wayside or in the dump, however I know now that each calculation is a choice of each person each moment of their day and the sum total of the life, their success, their health and their process is theirs and theirs alone. I hope now with this new energy around that those who calculate pain or sickness or sadness or war will rethink their processes. You can only do you in the end and along the way more and more of us are seeing what I see and walking away from it forever. welcome the seers, welcome the new children who have a view of this place like no other and get calculating on a new level. I want to see harmony and love for all!

Be brave, be strong, be very clear about what you are

It is time to be fearless. In the face of all the new energy, the old hidden way is shattered, there are no more rules, no more rulers. You make your own way now in every way. It does not matter what the others say or think, just what you do for you and from you. I have been brave, the courts were work for me but the results were amazing for our world and my bravery helped. Now I need to look at the other parts of my existence and be brave too. We wait for and want help, now being brave and just doing what works is the key. My friends were watching as this unfolded, my girls were right there and the rest of my family simply disappeared. This shows how it goes in the real world. Some in some out. Some showed up here and there, but ultimately it was me alone with my work and my thoughts. I love how this turned out, I learned that I was strong and worthy and a capable character in ways I had not yet discovered. So be brave, tell your truth, ask for help if you need some and ask for forgiveness to start fresh. This is what the mountain wants for the world, community and harmony with diversity unlimited. Brave souls pioneering a new and healthy world. Namaste' Dr. Su

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Promises to keep

As I look back at the promises of my life I know now that I have made many and kept the ones I could in good faith. I have been sensitive to those who needed that and direct with those who needed that. I have needed both myself. I respond to the sensitive people better than I do the direct ones and that gives me a chance to see myself in others in a new and better way for me. I want to know the whole truth every single time and that is the direct part of communication I appreciate, I want it said in a way that leaves no marks or damage, that is the challenge here. The media damages people with it's words from time to time and so do the doctors that say you're terminal or offer other scarey predictions. We all know this is terminal, what good things can I focus on in the mean time?? Look at your promises, your words and their delivery, be clear and direct, and be sensitive so that no damage is done in that delivery. Promises are acts of faith and hope, I love that and those that I could I kept, the ones I was bullied into making are over now and that is good too. Take a look and clean it up, remember we are all terminal here and getting this accomplished will make the rest of your time here remarkable. Then promise to yourself all that you desire and receive that promise as the gift it is!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

doesn't take too long for the truth to show up

In this new energy there is no cover up any longer, all is exposed. Let the light shine on you and feel the healing from the truth and the exposure to the light. It is warm and loving and healing and once the shock wears off and you own your own stuff you will never be the same!

Off the mountain now

Wow, what an awesome experience. That big ol' mountain has so much energy that you can't not change by being there. I know I did. We spend so much energy trying to re-create what already has a life of it's own, shifting, twisting, analyzing and on it goes. Now we have a chance at a new creation, a fresh start in every way. Look at what works and love it up, look at what doesn't and kiss it goodbye. The only way to get what you desire is to stop doing the same old thing and start with something new. You will be a new person, with a new perspective on your abilities and choices and ultimately your life. I loved being a kid, full of energy and adventure, up early and ready to play or explore, that was the best part of my childhood, I call that back now to me forever now. I know that I waited long enough to come back around to ME. How about you??? Namaste' and I really mean that, Dr. Su Got horses to ride this morning before work - no time like the present!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

our world our choice

We have been here a while and along the way have chosen to try some pretty painful stuff out. Separating us into different camps was by far the silliest thing we have ever done. The universe sees us as ONE - citizens of our planet. When we get that idea and starting working TOGETHER we will be invited to play with them too!! You are being watched - every second of every single day!!! Show off your good qualities and quit with the stuff you do not want anyone to know about or see!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, June 25, 2012

solstice energy

make your wishes, dream your dream, realize your realities. today the wave goes out through the world - a higher level is now energetically available. om wavw from shasta released today at 3 pacific time - hold on to your hats!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

funny how you just KNOW

I am on Shasta and I KNOW THAT IS WHERE I AM TO BE NOW. Funny how you just know. Inside each of us is that knowing - what and how and who are right for you and your life. We get bullied into other's ideas for us, do this, be with that person, live here and say what we say because that is our belief. Yowzaa!!!! Even as a little girl I knew. I knew what to eat, and when to do it. I knew what to wear and why, I knew who I liked and who I didn't and I knew I was just right and doing my best at the time. That is all we need to remember - perfect is good enough and you are all living the perfect challenge creating the perfect game to win the perfect ending - funny how you JUST KNOW.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mt Shasta here we come!!

Since I was little I seemed to always be the right place at the right time. I knew when I needed to go and where I needed to be. Since the 90's I have taken some of you with me to see and feel and remember important things. The need came again and tapped me for weeks. Shasta, Shasta, Shasta. I told my friend and she said she got the same tapping. So we are there, in body as well as spirit. We will keep you posted - since this begins the countdown to 12-21-2010. Open and receive and remember how cool this all is!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Be somewhere for the Solstice it is a big one

As we progress through 2012 shift, being in the right place at the right time with the right people is paramount. I will be on Shasta for the event of the summer. I know in my heart of hearts that to be open and ready and willing is the key now. I do not even have to try - it has become automatic with me. I hear and feel what is right and then I simply do it. Now if you can not go or be - do it in your mind, it will work too. You are an infinate being and your breath and your intention are key here. You can link to me just by thinking of me, or as many of my friends tell me - when they need me they see or dream of the The Hawk. I will overflow all the gifts to anyone who seeks them. This is a joyous time - celebrate the summer with a Solstice gathering of your own and you will launch the count down to 12-21-2012 0r for me 12-20-2012!! Namaste'

Saturday, June 16, 2012

off the fence now - one way or the other

It is this 2012 time that brought an end to borders, limitations, boundaries and fences. A time of unity is upon us now and there will be no more seperation. It is not up to us, it is just the way it is. We have tried in many way to leave some out and to be exclusive, clubs, groups, ideas and so forth. So just let's say this for now. There is no being here that the Creator did not create and it is up to The Supreme Being alone to cull out if need be. If you can focus on the larger idea of love and light and potential and give up fear all together now it will go easier for you. You do not need it any longer. The fences have disappeared and those sitting upon them are now too in the mix. Let's see what happens when we are in this TOGETHER!!!! Exciting isn't it - prophecy fulfilled - communion for everyone.

Friday, June 15, 2012

the Volcano of rebrith

That is how it looks, this world is about to erupt and the new way will come from beneath, from the heart of our world. It is about time we were heart centered - it has taken a long time to come but we are here at the right time. So feel your heart desires and your heart's true love and get centered and get ready the time is now. WELCOME ALL WHO LIVE IN THEIR HEART, WITH THEIR HEART RULING THEIR DAYS.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


I have been testing people with an EAV machine for over 20 years, they know where they stand because of the test. It tells the truth about what is working in their body and what is not. The testing of our life is on now too. We are being tested to see what works for us and what needs to go away. Each person is being secretly shopped by their own higher self. That means you are given opportunities to show your stuff under pressure and the truth is inevitable in those tests. That will determine where you belong and with whom. The doing of your truth here is not optional any longer. It is for all to see and decide for themselves. Walking away from what ever does not fit is the final test of non-resistance and then peace for all. You can not change the world, you can only change you. The energy around you is your responsibility and ultimately your gift. Make sure you are ready for the test and be proud of what ever you end up with as a grade, it was your choice all along. GOOD LUCK To us all!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Global shift to occur

Many on the fence now of - to be or not to be. Those sitting motionless will be shaken from their perch! The shift is upon us, it is moving through the Earth and her people like a giant Tsunami, changes are inevitable and massive, watch as the wave hits your world. Now you can sit and wait or you can actively participate. Map out your future, write you own ending. This is how much power we truly have, you were never powerless, only told so. Dumbed down with media and chemicals. Learn from where you have been and what you have experienced and then clear the space for your true brilliance to shine through. It is your turn now. No one will be unaccounted for, what will your accounting have in it???

Thursday, June 7, 2012

welcome Venus into your life

Knowing how this Universe works and the math of the galaxy and her movement, gives you a clue as to the flow of what how and when. It is an awesome gift to humans. God did not abandon us here on this little planet, it is an adventure with many maps and guideposts. Angels participate with each every person here when beckoned, sometimes they will watch an entire life come and go with out one single request for assistance. I have seen them and their look of willing assistance. Venus brings with her close visit this week a beauty and love and abundance of living in and with grace. Find it in your world. Whatever you do - do it with grace, make it flow, release resistance, do what comes naturally to YOU. This is her reminder, and she will not be back for another hundred years, so for many of us here - it it NOW or never!! This is a leg up for us all!!