Saturday, April 14, 2012

Fat tells the story

We all know DNA can be analyzed and read, well so can fat. There is such order and protection in our body and it's fat production and distribution that learning to read it will help you order your day and your life so much better, it is simply silly to wish it away.

Let's look at the fat that hangs around someone's middle. That is the fat that holds the most toxins. Your adipose tissue AKA - FAT, protects your organs from toxins that could potentially do damage. Keeping toxins out of our joints and organs is an immune response of a very high quality. The knowledge of what you ingest daily is the key to understanding and clearing this issue.

Amalgam fillings shower your body with toxic mercury every single time you touch them together and heat them up. Actual mercury vapor is released and breathed and swallowed and it is NOT BIODEGRADABLE!!! Your body and it's use of minerals is your responsibility to understand, I am going to help with that in coming days. Cancerous responses are so common now it is rampant in kids and adults alike. Clearing the toxic waste is the solution not poisoning the body further and expecting the result to be any better than the original mess. Please learn how to keep the body's terrain healthy - then teach it to your children - I did and they are healthy.

There is so much to learn, begin now and be in awe of how beautifully and magnificently you were created and live long and prosper!!

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