Sunday, September 19, 2010

10-10-10-who do you know you are?

If you have been ill or sad or alone or conflicted, it very could be that your body is trying to communicate to you , who you really are. If you are not doing daily, what comes easily and naturally it will communicate loud and clear the frustration it has at the choices your mind and it's human programming,is making. Your frontal lobe is where you think, it holds within it, your ego, your intellect and your emotions. Those are alot of human add ons.

Do others seek you out and want your friendship or are you alone alot of the time? Are your levels of energy commensurate with your ideas, are you accomplishing all that you desire now? Are you wasting your self in the pursuit of adrenaline, the human excitement buzz brought on by stimulants of all kinds, or is your heart leading the way, with the solid assurance that all is well and improving.

If you are sad your lungs will give in, if you are scared it will be your kidneys, if you are angry or frustrated it will be your liver, if you feel shame or guilt it will be your colon, and so it goes. Look at your skin, your eyes, your nails, your weight, the lustre of your hair, they all have a story to tell about you.

My skin has peeled from my feet and hands, that has never happened before. I know that it represents my sensitivity to the outer world, the barrier between them and me, it is time to grow a new relationship to the world and how I feel it, how I reach out to it and how I move forward in it. It has been my left foot, so it represents my feminine attributes specifically. Maybe I have been a tough tomboy too long now and my body wants it to even out.

Your body loves you and wants you to co-exist in it - peacefully and harmoniously for as long as both desire - in partnership. Listen to it, like you would a child. With patience and understanding. Nurture it, with good real food, fresh air and sunshine. Play with it, let it run and jump and laugh and sing out loud. Then remember who you are in this vehicle of your making.

We are in Sedona on the 10-10-10 to remember who we promised we would be in the New Age,that is the big date for the fresh start. Join us if you can, if you can't, take the time wherever you are to set a fresh intention, it's our future and we're glad we made it!! Namaste' Dr.Su

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