Saturday, September 14, 2024


Licenses are issued for those willing to be the pilot. It takes focus and courage. It is a commitment to safety, and possibly the most exciting activity ever. I teach bareback horsemanship. I started with people with special needs, then came addicts in recovery, then people released from prison, then kids from rough places, then everyone wanted to learn how navigate and be the pilot on my fabulous horses. Yesterday it was a MOM. Actually it was 2 different MOMS. I can not think of a more powerful choice then to raise up your body on the bareback of 1,200 pounds of pure beauty and energy. Balance is key. Watching where you are headed is key too. Speed is variable, up to the pilot in control and up to the horse with the pilot not in control. How do you navigate your reality? Have you learned to see from way up there??? Move to the next place easily and quickly? Do you TRUST yourself to be your own pilot? Get your license. Take the time and enjoy the ride. WE NEED WARRIORS, and learning bareback horse riding is a wonderful way to practice being a leader, a pilot. See you in the arena.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sides of a circle

You are either IN SIDE or OUT SIDE. You came from the circle and when you understand that you will know the geometry and how to navigate here safely. It shows as your aura, and many can see that. Animals always can, so can children. You are a rainbow of potential and using your spinning chakras to radiate you can freely navigate. WHEN YOU CREATE ADRENALINE AND CORTISOL to deal with your fears, your circle side vibrates. If you allow yourself over the edge, you merge with who, where or what is right or left there/their/they're. I call that elbows and assholes as it reminds me to be very care full. Like orbs of flashing colors and lights you are scene/seen, up close and from very above. YOU's/USE the prayer to protect your orb, AS ABOVE SO BELOW AS WITH IN SO WITHOUT, I AM A BEING OF VIOLET FIRE, I AM THE PURITY GOD DESIRES. Safe and sound and free to navigate this world.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Where/wear has it gotten humanity? Told to give it instead of building it within. The church said trust us, the schools said trust us, the government said trust us, the insurance industry said trust us, the doctors said trust us, and so we gave away that trust. We trusted them with our children, the most precious offering of earth life. TRUST is an IN-SIDE JOB, NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. YOU have been told you are not capable and to not trust your own knowings and your own holdings. As a lightworker I know we are capable because I remember that. I KNOW THAT FOR SURE! Given my assignment I was told it would be challenging and that I was totally capable of that challenge so I could TRUST it. I have help. Long ago I woke early one day, and then every single morning. I thought it would tire me so that I would not be capable of parenting and other responsibilites. It did not. I was trusting that those hours of listening and learning and writing were supporting my capabilites. IN pictures I can see, with sounds I can here/hear, in words that I can understand, make it abundantly clear, clearly I could trust that process. I trust that what comes next is true, real and makes me incredibly capable. That you GOD for that capability, I trust those choices and offer them to you. Namaste'

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A couple of things we should know

Annie, the parking angel for one. Over the years I have introduced her to many. They never forget her. She is the Angel of Grace. She is everywhere, and we need her. Grace is said before the meal, it makes the food taste better, the company at the table nicer, and digestion effortless. She finds the grease that keeps our wheels moving. Ask. Also, we are not alone. No matter what, we have eyes on us. I taught my daughters this mantra as little girls. Michael above, Michael below, Michael Lord Michael where ever I go!!! The Angel of Protection is there for us no matter how alone we feel. ask! You deserve to know at least a couple of things. Anything else?? ask

Monday, September 9, 2024


Transmitting and receiving - the energy of the brain. The third eye along with the other two, receiving and transmitting. If you knew the broadcasts that you were not receiving you may need more help to receive. Dreams are there for you to process without resistance. I always dream of helping make the world a better place. I especially feel that way about children and animals and nature. I use those dreams to help me with the higher vision of less resistance. It is not available if you do sleep deep. Clean the Pineal Gland, it does not like flouride, nor mercury. Check your ingredients, check your mouth, your teeth. If the Pineal Gland is plugged up dreams will be hard to access. We use Biologically Trained Dentists to clean it up. we use clay, chlorella, and other magnetics remedies to chelate the overload. It is time to dream, let's make this world a happier, healthier, and very horsey place. YOU WILL love the dreams it brings true!!

Sunday, September 8, 2024


In the soul journey, we come and go. I came to earth from the star college called Alcyone, one of the Pleiadies. I learned that peaceful transformation was the vision I would bring on this leg of the journey to earth. So I came and had my Visionquest to see/sea the route best for me in this lifetime. The work they offered my vision of service was perfect. Teaching health, happiness, harmony and healing with the help of NATURE and HORSES! I am Naturopathic Physician and Equine Educator who teaches Bareback Horsemanship as a healing system for anyone interested. The star college I came from supports my personal vision of harmony with nightly updates in my sleep. I carry tobacco and my pipe, I wear boots and my jeans, and I play my music every day. Ask your ANGeLS, or your Ancestors what your service is best lived as. They long to share the vision of the stars you came from, and will return to. When you know who you are and why you are here, the joy of the love of all of creation is all that is needed to do your best work. Harmony and healing will result and I can ride my horses, play my flute and smoke my pipe in my teepee in peace, as you all come to share your visions of knowing we are all connected. Megwitch for being here.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

What are you absorbing??

The energy that you breathe, swallow, and absorb through your senses all be-comes you or KNOT/not. In the absorption of dis-harmony, imbalances occur, they are those knots/nots. Then an effort to trigger the alarm systen you call IMMUNITY is set off. Such Divine Design! Some are engaged in immune system override. Vaccines do that. I believe in free will, and the knowing of the nots/knots. I want to absorb as much harmonics as I can to remedy the situation. If the alarm goes off that I have stepped into dangerous territory, I WANT TO know that! I can use my skills and choices to re-harmonize and heal only if I am aware, awake and prepared. Absorbing the good news and the living in light and love and laughter of knowing what NOT/KNOT to do is my story. YOU? what are you absorbing????? or not??

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

kneed/need less or more?

Suffering is over rated and over stated. Commercials talk about it constantly. Teaching those who are in the line of fire that this is the state of being we need/kneed to accept. Kidneys are attached to those knees and grounding them daily is a healthy choice. Yoga, prayer, talking to a child eye to eye, all offer that opportunity to ground and strengthen those kidneys. That second chakra lights up when the child grows those front teeth as an infant. So smile! Get on your knees, and allow the needless suffering to be nothing but a memory. You are divinely designed, a self healing being, when you are in Kneed/Need, drop to your knees and listen,, the Universe is right there with the answers. Truly all you NEED!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Do not do

Let's not worry about that now. Let's talk about what TO DO for me and you. EVERY DAY we need a vitamin, a mineral, a probiotic, an essential fatty acid and an antioxidant. That provides you with ground suuport for the work. If you are disharmonic this will nourish you until you find what next. For some the anti-inflammatory is helpful, for some the energizer, for some the detoxifier, and others with some emotional support will reharmonize. It is the best start of each day, load for BEAR/BARE. Bare essentials are the best first step to health, happy adds in and being in the light of sun, sleeping with the moon, and playing in the water, all bring medicine you cannot bottle. DO you doing YOU!

Monday, September 2, 2024


Our genetic codes are long and wider than you know. So in the spirit of what you do now, take a peek at who you are authentically, as truly an ORIGINAL MASTERPIECE. Your fingerprint shows you that it is true there is only one of you. In a sea/see of 8 billion sets of fingerprints, that is truly extraordinary. Yesterday my daughters and I moved stuff around in my house, putting the authentic pieces front and center. It is truly beautiful. Sometimes we forget, as we try to fit in lot of stuff. I fit in lots of choices, and now it is time to release those I am finished with. Carly said afterwards to Jessie and me, NOW COME and do my house too! WHO are YOU? Let the things used up now go to the next person for their use. Decide the favorites, keep and display them for your own vision of who you want to be scene/seen as. AUTHOR of your story, YOU, the ONE AND ONLY! Take it to the next level and you will find a sense of belonging here like never before. Beauty and balance. That is why authenically I teach bareback horsemanship. It is SIOUX/SU.