Saturday, July 15, 2023

Wear/where HEROES

Personal success and triumph are necessary to the development of the human journey and the soul's growth. A good song, a pretty picture, a well run race, all a necessary part of the life. For those whose heroes were not close by, the journey may have taken them far for the hunt. My friend went to Belize to find his hero. My Mother went every where, 55 countries to find hers. I came home to find mine. WHAT does your hero offer YOU and are you still looking on the outside for what was there on the inside all along? T
he consciousness we seek to adore and emulate is a memory, an agreement, a vsionary offering. TODAY when you talk to your hero, LOOK IN THE MIRROR! The greatest story ever told is your own finding of LOVE and LIFE and LAUGHTER within and without, above and below, and yes, it was always there/their/they're! WEAR/WHERE it proud!

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