Saturday, July 29, 2023

The spiral of the poles in a tipi are sacred geometry

When you look up through the top it is a beautiful spiral of wood. The smoke rises from the fire along with the prayers and hopes and dreams of the dwellers. I live with that way every day of my life. I let the smoke rise and carry to the Great Mystery all my thoughts, my concerns and my gratitude. Our new tipi came from Canada today, a work of craftsmanship and beauty. Worthy of the smoke and fire, the prayers and conversations it will shelter. WHO IS IN YOUR TIPI? Is the PEACE PIPE lit? Agree that humanity is a family needing to gather together now and send of the signal that we are grateful for the love of this world. Community is what we need, and it will take work to bring us together. A GOOD tipi is A GOOD place to start.

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