Saturday, July 29, 2023

The spiral of the poles in a tipi are sacred geometry

When you look up through the top it is a beautiful spiral of wood. The smoke rises from the fire along with the prayers and hopes and dreams of the dwellers. I live with that way every day of my life. I let the smoke rise and carry to the Great Mystery all my thoughts, my concerns and my gratitude. Our new tipi came from Canada today, a work of craftsmanship and beauty. Worthy of the smoke and fire, the prayers and conversations it will shelter. WHO IS IN YOUR TIPI? Is the PEACE PIPE lit? Agree that humanity is a family needing to gather together now and send of the signal that we are grateful for the love of this world. Community is what we need, and it will take work to bring us together. A GOOD tipi is A GOOD place to start.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

G A L L ?

Biological and emotional gall needing to be released from choices and genetics. WHEN you decide you are ready there is a flush you can do. I do a colonic with it, and also a BIO-MAT and CHI machine treatment. I also get body work done as the emotions are sometimes painful and take me to places I have never remembered. The release is imperative for energy and growth, for fitness and balance. Be a good guest on earth. Leave it better than you found it. Always bring a gift when invited. Keep your system flowing, let the gall of choices release and go down the drain. IF I remain indignant to the GALL, I will create stones, and that is harder to release but still doable. An Apple a DAY, keeps the doctor away, also supports your liver and GALL-bladder. ALso remembering you chose all your lessons, no one else can do your work.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


NOW! Earth changes now. SHE our Mother Gaia has been patient and kind, tolerant and supportive. I look at her field and smile and nod at her perserverance. I know when she is ready to transtion, nothing here will stop her. IT IS time, the water is broken. Care fully navigate the rapids of change. Be kind, in harmony and at peace among your neighbors. THIS too/two/to shall pass. The new age of earth has begun. I for/four one am glad to usher it in.

Monday, July 24, 2023

How many children can you help?

Some NONE. There are others who see the need and pitch in. Look around, the true gold on earth is us! Our kids, they are our future here. Some are being abused, neglected, sold and worse. Keep your eyes open, and feelers feeling. Sometimes it only takes one look, one knowing stare, to stop the loss of joy in the life of a child. If you see them in need, meet them there. A little girl in line at the cash register didn't have the money to get what her mother has sent her for. SHE WAS HUMILIATED I could feel the pain. The boy in front of me was a teen, and he was watching closely. SO WAS I. I paid. I said you are free to take your things and go now. It is all good. The boy said, WHY?? I said it could be you next time, and to see and feel the need and meet it when you can, is the greatest gift we have. Where we go ONE, we go all. Community is the gift of the Universe, please help restore community and I am going to start with the little one first.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Board in school???

I was. I tried to find with the structure of education, the structure of SUSAN ANDERSON. Math, Music, Phy ED and ART, along with reading. ALL GOOD! Friends and new friends, even better. Diversity the coolest. Trapped were others in a system not suited to their upliftment. My father avoided the Indian Boarding School by having a integrated silent half breed mother. She was vigilant, and adamant. Today at Carpenter Nature Center there is a offering of those who were not so protected. Until we understand what and why, we can not pretend to know. We came to learn and grow as a race of diverse beings. Our universe our real home, our SOURCE the Great Mystery has many children. THEY ALL deserved and still do, to be educated, adored, understood and supported. TIME to take a look! See you at 5:30 at the reveal. Megwitch

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Don't give up, DON"T give in

YOU KNOW WHAT and WHO you like. Some things, people and places give me the C R E E P S ! I used to think that was worthy of my time. I learned in balancing my life, my health and my success, I had to know that when the creeps showed up I needed to leave and make no excuse. I do not give up on kids. I do not give up on health. I do not give up on what and who I know to be true. PLEASE DO not give up an what you know to be true too! This is crunch time for humanity and we made it this far, and soon we will see the results of a CREATOR that did not give up on us!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Wear/where HEROES

Personal success and triumph are necessary to the development of the human journey and the soul's growth. A good song, a pretty picture, a well run race, all a necessary part of the life. For those whose heroes were not close by, the journey may have taken them far for the hunt. My friend went to Belize to find his hero. My Mother went every where, 55 countries to find hers. I came home to find mine. WHAT does your hero offer YOU and are you still looking on the outside for what was there on the inside all along? T
he consciousness we seek to adore and emulate is a memory, an agreement, a vsionary offering. TODAY when you talk to your hero, LOOK IN THE MIRROR! The greatest story ever told is your own finding of LOVE and LIFE and LAUGHTER within and without, above and below, and yes, it was always there/their/they're! WEAR/WHERE it proud!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

1987 The Harmonic Convergance where were you?

I came home. I returned to soil where I entered earth. In Wisconsin along the St. Croix River is always where I felt best. The Harmonic Convergance and it's alignment was loud and clear to many. I was ready to be rooted and supported. I went on to do my homework, and became a Naturopathic Physician. It was natural for me. I somehow knew I knew. Many of you now know what you knew then, you are being asked to remember what you were to do. Before you were born you made a decision, choices, contracts, and a future on earth, long or short, all yours. Mine also involved others, especially kids. I suffered, and it was not necessary, so I decided to assist others in choices that reduced suffering. Nature has a real magic and you deserve to know it. Converging with the WILL of the SOURCE and remembering that those who love the little ones, have a great job here and reward when returning to Source. The mill stone around the neck of those who create pain, loss, fear, disease and bully others is not my responsibility. Where were you when you knew that what you know? It is the most important choice you make even now all these years later, it is never to late for HARMONY!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

How is your sight/site?

I see lots of colors, shapes, sizes and big picture views. My balconey offers me a morning of glory watching the sun rise on the fields and it's creatures. The double flute I play serenades the land along with the birds and it grows together with and in harmony. Look in the mirror, you are your primary sight. The space you live in is your secondary sight. The world that surrounds you and yours is the expansion of those sights. Take the time to know how powerful you are, and how much effect you have. It is time to look and see and be in harmony with all things, great or small. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED! Your sight to my site, come and see what a beautiful world this can be.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Can you hear the crying?

I do. I see it in my work. I hear it from those in despair. AND yesterday it was a facebook post of a relative of mine. I ANSWERED. It is not easy to be an answering being. It will take all of us to be in support of support. There is magic in nature, health is a human right. SHE, the Great Earth Mother, is the MASTER of that. When you hit the ground, drink the FRESH CLEAN water, bask in the sunlight, chemical changes occur and the healing can begin. FREE for the taking. Can you see air? Even though you can not, you KNOW it is there. Same with miracles, faith will open your third eye and you too will see what has been available all along. It is the best way I know to quiet the crying that fear, loss, despair and pain bring. It is time sing, laugh, speak in tones and terms of light and love. THIS too shall be the new age of enlightenment on this beautiful planet, and then the crying will cease. Listen and if you can hear it, answer with compassion and generosity, wisdom comes from the heart, where all healing begins.

Sunday, July 9, 2023


I saw teeth that needed analysis and attention. Some neglected, some toxic, some broken, some crooked, some injured and some bright white strong and working well. There is a 3-D MRI called CONEBEAM that analyzes teeth, roots and jaw bones. GET ONE! put it in the mix of wellenss. When your smile is healthy YOU are healthy. Those amazing computer chips we call teeth drive everything!!! Let's kiss dis-ease good bye. Nothing less will do, start with your mouth, cuz that where it opens to the new you!!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


In the wings, watching and waiting for your cue! Hear/here it is. Time to say what you think, feel and need. Of the WINGS? Now let your body and mind and spirit rise up to the SUN, the day is here for those who love this world to tell the reasons why. WHEN you are afraind or confused or challenged, step back. TAKE the time you need, it is yours to take, to see the bigger picture. Provoked? Wait a minute. Struck? RISE up above, see and then say what you want to say. We human humans are designed to fly, others can not. Your breath is your flight. YOU ARE SAFE among the clouds, it is where my ancestors wait and watch. And yes, even the stars are your home too. WINGS will take you where ever you want to go. FLY all you magical souls, fly high! USE those wings to get out of the stuck and the struck.