Wednesday, November 10, 2021

I won/one

We come here to learn, to battle, to hurdle, to choose. That is what kids do. If you missed that class, then you continue to do that as a grown up. I have learned a lot. I have battled my way through. I fly like a hawk so hurdles are not too challenging, mostly fun. In every day and every way I choose. I choose me first, up and then at "em". I choose fun, sun, and for a few hours each day I choose you. I have been called in the night to see if I would choose you, I have. I have been called to the stand to swear on the Bible and choose to speak my truth. I have chosen health freedom, and no one will choose anything different for me. I have chosen, and I/ONE. The one in you, deserves you to be the ONE who chooses you. Stand in the light, the love, the laughter and feed the freedom of choice. AND never let it go!

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